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Albania: Lawsuit against hydropower project on the Vjosa has been filed

++ Dam project on Europe’s last wild river was intended to be realised without adequate environmental assessment or civic participation ++ Legal precedent for rule of law in Albania ++ Tirana, Vienna, December 2, 2016. The planned destruction of the Vjosa, one of Europe’s last big wild rivers, is now being challenged in court.

228 scientists from 33 countries fight for Europe’s last wild river

++ Scientists demand 3-year construction freeze for hydropower plants on the Vjosa in Albania ++ Environmental assessment according to EU standards urgently required ++ Memorandum submitted to Prime Minister Edi Rama ++ World Rivers Day on September 25 ++

The other Balkan route

++ Balkan Rivers Tour against dam tsunami ended ++ Kayakers paddled 23 rivers in 6 countries ++ Photo highlights of the tour for download ++ 23 rivers in six countries, 390 river kilometers: on Friday, May 14, a very unique activity ended in the Albanian capital of Tirana – the Balkan Rivers Tour. Over 35 days, kayakers from all over Europe paddled the most beautiful and most threatened rivers in the Balkans in order to draw attention to the looming dam tsunami on the peninsula. A total of over 500 paddlers from 18 nations participated in the activity.

New hope for Balkan Rivers: World Bank drops funding for hydropower project in Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia

++ Other financiers must follow suit ++ The World Bank withdrew its funding for one of the two big hydropower projects inside MavrovoNational Park in Macedonia.  

New Bankwatch study: European “green energy” funding for hydropower threatens pristine Balkan rivers

A wave of hydropower development fuelled by European public funding and EU companies is endangering pristine river environments in the Balkans, finds a new study by CEE Bankwatch Network released today.

Stage win for nature protection: Bern Convention demands provisional stop for the construction of HPPs in Mavrovo NP in Macedonia

++ EBRD and World Bank shall withdraw from projects – further assessment requested ++

Kelag destroys in Bosnia-Herzegovina one of the last habitats for the Huchen in Europe


++The Austrian-German energy company is constructing a hydropower on the Sana River, endangering a globally threatened fish species ++ NGOs and scientists protesting++

New Hope for Mavrovo National Park

++ Bern Convention’s international expert commission calls for halt to hydropower development in Mavrovo National Park, Macedonia ++ EBRD and World Bank shall withdraw from financing hydropower projects in the National Park ++

STOP Mokrice dam! Hydropower project in Slovenia violates legislation


++ Hydropower project in Slovenia violates domestic and international legislation and threatens rare flora and fauna ++ International and Slovenian NGOs call on the Minister of Environment to reject the project – NGOs prepare EU complaint ++

Three new insect species discovered in Macedonia

++ Previously unknown caddisfly and stonefly species discovered in Mavrovo National Park. Species endangered due to hydropower development. ++ One doesn’t have to travel to the Amazonas or descent to the depths of the sea in order to discover new species. A closer look at the Balkans is enough.

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