We can use any support to protect the Balkan rivers!
Help us with your online-donation. Many thanks!

You can also transfer you donation via your online banking.
!!! Important: Please write "Blue Heart" in the field 'Reason of Transfer' of your transaction !!!
Account for donations
Account owner: EuroNatur
Bank name: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Köln, Germany
Bank code number: 370 205 00
Account number: 8182001
IBAN: DE53 3702 0500 0008 1820 01
EuroNatur is charitable
EuroNatur is a non-profit-making foundation under civil law, based in Radolfzell am Bodensee, Germany. The competent supervisory authority is the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, file number 14-2214.8. The Finanzamt Singen / Hohentwiel recognizes the status of non-profit-making under tax no. 18153/25263. Donations to EuroNatur are therefore tax-deductible in Germany. The EuroNatur Foundation has been awarded the DZI Donation Seal of Approval.
Your data is safe with us!
Your data is stored on servers in Germany. We employ technical and organizational security measures to keep your data protected against loss, destruction or other unauthorized access. Your data will be transmitted over an encrypted connection (SSL) to our service provider Grün Spendino and from there to us.
Of course, you have the right at any time to stop the access to information and to oppose the use of your communication data. To do this, write to datenschutz(at)euronatur.org.
The full privacy policy of the EuroNatur Foundation can be found here: https://www.euronatur.org/en/about-euronatur/information/privacy/