Vjosa National Park NOW - Global Tour
The world is watching, Edi Rama! The international pressure to demand protection of the Vjosa is building more than ever. In response to the reelection of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, people all over the world are demanding the protection of the Vjosa river by hosting the ‘Vjosa National Park NOW’ letters in their countries.
This summer, the Vjosa letters will be in the foreground of globally recognized monuments around the world, demanding the attention of EU and Albanian politicians. Edi Rama’s government, which will be forming new coalitions this summer, has an opportunity to legally establish the Vjosa as Europe’s first Wild River National Park. We won’t back down until the Albanian government legally establishes the entire length of the Vjosa and her tributaries as Europe’s first Wild River National Park.
Support for the Vjosa National Park can be heard echoing across the globe with organizations, activists, and public figures speaking out everywhere. Follow this page to stay informed about the location and date of the next visual action.
June: Innsbruck (01.06), Munich (14.06), Podgorica (17.6.), Zurich (18.6.)
July: Amsterdam (03.07), Milan (20.07), London (21.07)
August: Snowdonia Wales (13.08), San Francisco (23.08)
September: Grand Canyon (18.09), Vovousa (26.09), Ioannina (29.09)
October: New York City (4.10), Vienna (19.10) Sydney (28.10)
Are you interested in hosting the “VJOSA NATIONAL PARK NOW” letters in your city? Shoot us an email: kara@rivercollective.org
Share this page asking Edi Rama, to declare a #VjosaNationalParkNow #VjosaForever #SaveTheBlueHeartOfEurope #BalkanRivers #theworldiswatching #gotohellSHELL EcoAlbania EuroNatur Riverwatch
On its first 80 kilometers, the Vjosa flows through Greece and is named Aoos. Eventually, this river stretch shall also be included in the first Wild River National Park, turning the Vjosa National Park into Aoos-Vjosa Transnational Park.