News - Science

IUCN report recommends: stop water abstraction at Shushica River in Albania and use alternatives

The International Union for Conservation of Nature released an assessment report about the controversial water abstraction project from the Shushica River. The report concluded that the proposed project would severely impact the national park’s biodiversity and fail to comply with IUCN national park standards.

In search of Softmouth Trout and Huchen

This spring, a team of scientists from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna traveled to Bosnia-Herzegovina, specifically to the Neretva and Drina rivers. Both rivers are under extreme threat from hydropower development. The aim of the research weeks was to record the spawning populations of Softmouth Trout and Huchen.

Vjosa Delta Science Week 2024: Science Delegation Explores Intact Vjosa Delta


From 22 to 28 April 2024, a science delegation from Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy collected multidisciplinary data in the partially undiscovered and intact Vjosa Delta. Every observation of this expedition aims to unveil the ecological importance of this area and advocate for its inclusion in the Vjosa Wild River National Park (WRNP) in accordance with IUCN standards.

STUDY: Freshwater biodiversity impacted by hydropower plants in the Sharr Mountains National Park


This rapid field assessments conducted in Autum 2023 in the National Park Sharr Mountain encompassed an extensive evaluation of fish and macroinvertebrates, with a specific focus on aquatic insects, in the Lepenc River and its tributaries.

Next Webinar: Neretva Biodiversity

Join our open Scientists for Balkan Rivers Webinar on Tuesday, 27th February 2024, at 18:00 CET. We will present and discuss the amazing results of the last two Neretva Science Weeks - more than 2000 species were discovered including several species new to science. Please REGISTER HERE to join this webinar.

Preliminary Report of the Neretva Science Week 2023

Neretva Science Week 2023 took place from May 30th to June 7th. A diverse team of 62 scientists from 17 countries gathered in small town Ulog, to contribute to the conservation of the Neretva river system. Here, we gathered the preliminary results of Neretva Science Week 2023, covering 19 studies or fields of expertise. READ MORE

70 scientists from 17 countries at Neretva Science Week 2023

Neretva Science Week 2023 took place from May 30th to June 7th. A diverse team of 70 scientists from 17 countries gathered in small town Ulog, to contribute to the conservation of the Neretva river system. They were accompanied by photographers, activists, and artists. 

Neretva Science Week 2023 has commenced!

More than 70 scientists, researchers, artists, activists and journalists from 19 European countries gathered on this beautiful river. Here are some first impressions of the Science Week.

The Blue Heart Podcast kicks off with the Neretva Science Series

Attention all nature lovers! Are you ready to dive deep into the world of river conservation? We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Blue Heart Podcast - a five-episode series that uncovers the groundbreaking scientific findings of the 2022 Neretva Sicence Week.

Informations Neretva Science Week 2023

From May 30th to June 7th 2023, a diverse team of scientists will visit the Neretva River to contriubte to the conservation of this river as knowledgeable experts and scietists. We now call for interested journalists and scientists to exress their interest in participating.

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