News - Vjosa

GEO article now ONLINE!


The September print edition of the renowned German magazine GEO featured an article about the GEO Days of Biodiversity at the Vjosa River in Albania. Now, the article went online: Europas letzter wilder Fluss Since it is only available in German read a partial translation here:  

Vjosa goes Club Sound


Friends of the Balkan Rivers produced this neat "Save the Vjosa" remix featering stunning Vjosa views. Enjoy! Save the Vjosa! (Lava 303 feat. Blue Heart of Europe)

Wolf, Egyptian Vulture, Black Pennant, and Black Widow recorded at the Vjosa River in Albania

Vienna, Radolfzell, August 21, 2014. In the context of the Days of Biodiversity – an initiative of the German GEO magazine – a remarkable field research event took place at the Vjosa river in Albania in mid-June. Results will be published in the latest issue of the GEO magazine, which will be available on August 22.

Vjosa Biodiversity Days: SCIENTIFIC REPORT

Between June 13th-15th, the Geo Days of Biodiversity took place at the Vjosa River in Albania. Of the more than 400 species identified, ten percent are classified as threatened, rare or endemic, many of which are protected by international conventions according to IUCN and the Albanian Red List.

Video: The Vjosa River – Europe’s Wild Jewel


Find out about Vjosa River’s beauty, its values and threats in this video by Adrian Guri. It features stunning views of the river, impressions of the Vjosa press conference in Tepelenë,  and many interviews.

Biodiversity Days: Europe‘s last big wild river to be explored

Vienna, 10.6.2014. In cooperation with the German GEO magazine, a remarkable event will take place along the Vjosa River in Albania from June 13-15. For three days, 50 to 60 experts will range the Vjosa’s riparian zone and study its animal and plant species.

Albania: National Park for Vjosa River instead of Dams

Tepelena, Radolfzell, May 8, 2014. An unusual press conference is taking place in Albania today. On the gravel islands of the Vjosa River – the last big wild river in Europe – representatives of international and national environmental groups come together with the local mayor and business people in order to propose an idea to save the Vjosa

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