
Two days for wild river science in Albania


On October 18th and 19th, Albania became a hotspot of freshwater science. Renowned scientists from USA, Japan and many European countries participated in the Wild Rivers Science Symposium and the Wild Rivers Night in Tirana. They spent the following day on boats paddling Europe`s last big intact river – the Vjosa. Two days that connected scientists and strengthen their efforts to save the last free flowing rivers.

Manu Chao in Stara Planina!


Prominent support: After being approached by Stara Planina activists at a concert in Niš, reggae legend Manu Chao spontaneously visited Topli Do on the next day to play a song on the bridge and demonstrate his solidarity with the movement resisting hydropower projects in the region. Our rivers concern us all and all over the world, people defend their rivers against destruction by hydropower, fighting the same fight. We must stand together! Me gusta

“Brave women of Kruščica” receive EuroNatur Award 2019


++ EuroNatur Award goes to dedicated river conservationists from Bosnia-Herzegovina ++ Dam boom threatens the last wild rivers of our continent ++ On October 10th, a delegation of the “Brave women of Kruščica” accepted the EuroNatur Award 2019 on the island of Mainau on Lake Constance. The award honours the women’s extraordinary courage and perseverance in protecting their river.

Invitation: International Wild Rivers Science Symposium and Wild Rivers Night

One day - two events for free rivers! We are pleased to announce the International Wild Rivers Science Symposium and the Wild Rivers Night in Tirana/Albania on October 18th, 2019. The symposium, hosted by the Universities Tirana and Vienna, will bring together renowned scientists from around the world to discuss the condition of the world's last wild rivers. The symposium will end in  an entertaining evening event with selected talks and live music.

Another victory for free-flowing rivers inside Mavrovo National Park


In Mavrovo National Park, the construction permits for two small hydropower plants on the Zirovnicka River have been officially annulled, after the concession process for another project on the same river was cancelled in May. The decision was taken after a review request submitted by Front 21/42, our partner organization in North Macedonia, right after the investor announced the start of the construction.

New report: hydropower subsidies wreak environmental havoc and line influential pockets in the Western Balkans

Disproportionate public subsidies for small hydropower in the Western Balkans have resulted in widespread environmental damage and have benefited wealthy business people close to or part of the region’s governments, with little benefit for electricity generation, finds a new study released today by CEE Bankwatch Network.

Stara Planina Union of Local Communities declares “state of emergency” over SHPPs


In Stara Planina Nature Park, Serbia, the battle between local communities and SHPP investors has reached a new level. The Union of Local Communities (SMZSP) declared a state of emergency due to non-compliance with Serbian laws. The SMZSP has organized a 24/7 solidarity watch in Topli Do to prevent illegal construction and protect the law.  The Union has also called on President Vučic to finally act against illegal construction and in favour of strictly protected species, threatened by the construction.

Reversal of subsidies for wind power in BiH prompts legal action

With the halting of the incentive scheme for wind farms in March, the destructive technology of small hydropower is now the only renewable source of energy receiving significant support in the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. While providing a minimal contribution to overall electricity generation, small hydropower causes enormous damage to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s communities, economy and unique biodiversity.

Wave of protest against Balkan dam building frenzy

++ First ever international Action Weeks for Balkan Rivers ++ People took to the streets in many countries of the Balkan region ++ From July 6 to 16, 2019 around 1000 people took part in protests in Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Greece against hydropower expansion on the Balkan rivers.

New Vjosa study: hardly any energy, no sand for the beach


++ Sediment study of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) proves serious consequences of the planned power plants on the Vjosa ++ For over a year, scientists from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) have been studying the sediment transport of the Vjosa river for different high and low water phases

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