News - Montenegro

Call for contributions: Balkan River Summit 2024!

Do you have a story to tell or experiences to share? Pitch your fight for river protection and present at the Balkan River Summit 2024! Find all the information about different contribution formats, key themes, and contact details in the post.

REGISTER NOW! Balkan River Summit 2024

Save the Date for the most epic river rendezvous of the year! Join us at the 2nd Balkan River Summit organized by the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign - 5 days of networking, workshops, and adventure!

Bern Convention: Skavica dam in Albania contradicts the Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme

Local communities in Albania have been protesting against the Skavica dam and the planned flooding of 41 villages in the Dibra valley. The Bureau of the Convention recently accepted a new complaint and urged the Albanian authorities to not develop projects which may negatively affect habitats and species.

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