Impressions and media coverage of our latest campaign events

Lots of things have happened in the campaign in the last couple of weeks. Visual impressions thereof are now available on our website!


Releasing of Huchen after the press conference. Photo: Theresa Schiller/EuronaturPress Conference in Lubljana about the Huchen study, March 19th: find the PHOTO GALLERY of the conference as well as the subsequent press trip to the Sava and the releasing of the Huchen

Media coverage:

Al Jazeera Balkan: Hidroelektrane ugrožavaju ekosistem Save

BBC: The beast of the Danube

RTV4: V Savi plava pet novih mladih sulcev

DW: A dammed future for Danube's giant fish?

DELO: Kralj rek plava tudi pod Tromostovjem

Der Standard: Bedrohter Huchen: Notruf für den Tiger der Flüsse


Vjosa Tour Event in Selenica. Photo: Ben Andoni


Vjosa Tour Event in Selenica, March 13th: find the PHOTO GALLERY of the event as well as a VIDEO showing locals spontaneously chanting “no dams, no dams” during the event.

Media coverage:

ORF: ZIB2 coverage




Vjosa Press Conference in Tirana, March 12th: find the PHOTO GALLERY of the conference

Press Conference in Tirana. Photo: Olta HadushajMedia coverage:

Al Jazeera Balkan: Zaštita rijeka u Albaniji

Top Channel: Ekspertët: Të ndalet ndërtimi i HEC-eve. Humbasim më shumë nga shkatërrimi i lumenjve

Travel Magazine: Lumi Vjosa në udhëkryq – Cunam digash apo Park Kombëtar?

Der Standard: Vjosa am Scheideweg: Staudamm oder Nationalpark

VOA: Beteja për lumin Vjosa

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