Una River saved from illegal dam construction
Local communities and environmental NGOs are celebrating the news that Croatian state authorities have ordered all construction on the Una River to stop immediately.
Local communities and environmental NGOs are celebrating the news that Croatian state authorities have ordered all construction on the Una River to stop immediately.
In a significant step forward for nature protection, the Croatian authorities announced yesterday that they are taking legal action against the construction of a dam on the Una River within a protected area of environmental importance.
River protectors from across Europe are linking arms with the community of the Una Spring in Croatia this Friday to protest the construction of an illegal dam at the source of this unique river, “The One”. Join the protest!
How come that a destructive project like that is being approved within a protected area? How can it be that a project within a protected area even receives funding? How is it possible that the funding comes from a European public development bank, the EBRD? Read how that happens in this Bankwatch webstory...