Rivers and Dams in the wider Mediterranean Basin


This study is the first comprehensive attempt to provide a large-scale overview of hydropower plants and rivers in the extended Mediterranean basin using a methodology based on European standards. The study analyses and ranks the hydromorphological intactness of 66791 river km and integrates the results with data on protected areas and key biodiversity areas according to IUCN. 23% of rivers were found in near natural condition, 27% in slightly modified condition, 28% are moderately modified and the remaining 22% are either extensively ore severely modified. This comes at no surprise as 11,864 hydropower plants have been recorded in the region, 5,269 of which already existing, another 6,393 planned on top of 202 currently under construction. Of the newly planned HPPs, 31% are located inside protected areas.

This study was commissioned by GEOTA in cooperation with EuroNaturRiverWatchWWF AdriaWetlands International Europe and produced by FLUVIUS

Full Study: Rivers and Dams in the wider Mediterranean Basin
Executive Summary: Rivers and Dams in the wider Mediterranean Basin


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