Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans

This study aims to quantify the number of hydropower projects that are planned within protected areas on the Balkan Peninsula. A total of 1,640 projected hydropower plants (HPPs) have been examined based on a detailed and categorized network of protected areas. A total of 535 planned projects or 32 % fall in strictly protected areas. In addition, 282 HPPs (17 %) are projected inside other protected areas with a weaker protection status. Altogether, 817 or 49% of all projected HPPs fall in protected areas, which points to the fact that this practice is the rule rather than an exception. This indicates a very high pressure of hydropower on protected sites.

Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans - Full Study

Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans - English Summary

Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans - German Summary

Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans - Slovenian Summary

Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans - Croatian Summary

Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans - Albanian Summary

Hydropower Projects in Protected Areas on the Balkans - Macedonian Summary


Hydropower Projects in all Protected Areas - MAP

Hydropower Projects in National Parks - MAP

Hydropower Projects in Ramsar/Biosphere Reserves/UNESCOWorld Heritage Nature Sites - MAP

Hydropower Projects in Natura2000 Sites - MAP

Hydropower Projects in Nature Reserves and EMERALD Sites - MAP

Hydropower Projects in other protected areas - MAP

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