Action Weeks for Balkan Rivers

Thousands of people are affected by the projected dam tsunami in the Balkans. They would lose their homes or arable lands, their drinking water and irrigation supply, the landscape they have enjoyed for generations. Despite the huge impact on their lives, most affected communities are never informed about the hydropower projects in their ‘backyards’, let alone consulted. Many of them are fighting back – they are determined to protect their river, whatever the cost - “We give our life, but not our river” is a common attitude. Together we are stronger - we want to support and unite them in their fight, tell their stories and protest with them in solidarity. Our rivers - No DAMage! More: The stories of people impacted by dam projects are heart-rendering. But they also give hope, because they demonstrate the determination with which people stand up for nature. And they also show that fighting for a common good unites people. Rivers unite - dams divide! Read here some selected stories of affected people who will not surrender to the sell-out of their river.
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