WE NEED YOUR HELP: Film yourself to save your river
Dear river lovers,
In the context of our "Save the Blue Heart of Europe" campaign, we are producing a short film about people who want to keep their rivers free from hydropower plants. We need your help for that!
This is the idea: film yourself in front of a river that is threatened by a hydropower project while saying the following sentences: “This is (name of the river). I love my river and I don´t want it to be damed. Save the Blue Heart of Europe." Pleases say it both in English and in your native language. Important is to say exactly these sentences and while doing so, please don’t walk around but stay put. You are welcome to gesticulate with your hands though – it is supposed to look lively! The river in the background should be visible. Try to make it look similar to these examples:
Kids, grandmas & grandpas, men and women, young and old – everyone is needed! You can be filmed alone or in pairs.
Technical details: you can film with your smartphone. If you have a film camera or a regular camera with a movie function you can use it as well. If you manage to film it in HD (high definition 1920x1440 or 1080i), that would be great, but definitely in 16:9.
Please send your film – if possible as mpeg or mov file – to the producer of the film, Christoph Walder: walder@ecotone.at
The more people participate, the better the film! Please help us and forward this email to friends and relatives who also want to protect their river!
We will present the film at the Balkan Rivers Day in Belgrade (September 25-27) and will of course publish it on our website!
Please send us your contribution!
All the best,
Your Blue Heart Team!