Video: Vjosa National Park Now - Global Tour


For the past eight months, river activists from around the world demanded a Vjosa National Park Now. There have been 23 visual actions across 13 countries in the middle of cities, national parks, in front of national monuments or in special natural places.

If the Vjosa and her tributaries were made a national park, it would permanently protect it from dams and nearby oil exploration among other things. Estimates are that a Vjosa National Park would attract 1.5 million visitors each year, generate about 20 million Euros in income every year, and create 6 jobs in local communities for every one job in the national park.

Sign our petition to add your voice to make #VjosaNationalParkNow!

We would like to give a special thanks to Kara Virik, Allison Allen & all the Vjosa activists across the globe including several key organizations: Riverwatch, EcoAlbania, Euronatur, Patagonia Europe, US, Australia & New Zealand, Save our Rivers


Video: Produced and edited by Joshua David Lim


Footage Credits:


Amsterdam: Patrick Sault

Athens: A. Spithaki

Berlin: Paul Buske

Brussels: Alexander Louvet/Powershoots

Gjirokaster: Adrian Guri & Bjant Çami

Innsbruck: Harry Putz

Ioannina: Αντώνης Βρόικος

London: Save Our Rivers

Milan: Paolo Aralla

Munich: Derek Henthorn

Paris: Sébastien Champeaux

Permet: Adrian Guri

Podgorica: Miroslav Jovović

Snowdonia: Save Our Rivers

Tepelena: Adrian Guri

Tirana: Adrian Guri

Vienna: Christoph Wissser

Vovousa: Dimitris Papageorgiou

Zurich: Caroline Fink


Grand Canyon: Meredith Meeks & Nick Geib

New York City: Zamir Lico & Niazi Murataj

San Francisco: Kenny Hurtado


Sydney: Alex Begetis

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