REGISTER NOW: European Rivers Summit 2022


Wetlands International Europe, RiverWatch, GEOTAEuroNatur,  and WWF Adria invite you to the third European Rivers Summit (ERS) in Brussels, Belgium from 29 September to 1 October.

Registrations are now open! REGISTER HERE

The ERS aims to inspire a movement of connected citizens in Europe to protect and restore European rivers, fight new dams and remove obsolete barriers. Healthy rivers are essential to delivering the European Green Deal and we aim to connect river champions around Europe to policy-makers in Brussels, with a two-day conference plus a third day to visit a river restoration site.

The event will inform attendees on the most important policy issues, big ideas and latest science around healthy rivers, and engage directly with Brussels as the home of the European Commission and Parliament in defending healthy rivers for people across Europe. We will also explore the power of communicating about rivers in film and art and see the transformative power of restoring urban rivers.


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First European Rivers Summit Sarajevo 2018

Second European Rivers Summit Lisbon 2021

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