Invitation: Artists for Vjosa Concert in Tirana, Oct 18

On October 18, we will hold a big concert for the protection of the beautiful and threatened Vjosa River, the last big wild river in Europe! Free entry!

Where: Skanderbeg square in front of the National History Museum in Tirana
When: October 18, 19:00


We present to you:

Elina Duni
Eda Zari

as well as
Gent Rrushi, Rob Luft, Vlashent Sata, Marsela Çibukaj, Linda Rukaj, Charles Lamouroux, Ermal Rodi, Florian Garcin, Emiljan Dhimo, Grupi Polifonik Lunxhëria, Grupi i Bënçës, Blerat & Besfort Këpuska, Dj. ODA

Hope to see you all there!

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Design: Briken Rrozhani



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