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Next Webinar: Hydropower - Social Impacts and Resistance
Join us for our next webinar on November 4th, 2021 (3-5 pm CEWT) to discuss with river activists and experts from the Balkans and beyond about social impacts of hydropower, their resistance and the lessons learned from successful river activism.
For years, we have highlighted how the ongoing hydropower boom is destroying Europe’s last free-flowing rivers and riverine ecosystems in the Western Balkans. However, the fight for free-flowing rivers is also about people, the way hydropower affects them and their relentless efforts to halt dam plans.
In our upcoming webinar we will discuss the social dimensions of hydropower. We will talk about the impacts of hydropower projects on communities, their economies, livelihoods, and culture. We will hear from activists who have dedicated their lives and energy to fighting destructive dams: what motivates them, which have been their most successful strategies, how they have dealt with major obstacles to their activism, and how we can collectively strengthen our fight against new hydropower plants.
A Zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.
Programme & Speakers:
Moderation: Annette Spangenberg - EuroNatur Foundation
Overview - How hydropower affects lives, livelihoods and local economies Dr. Amelie Huber - EuroNatur Foundation
Global analysis of resistances, repression and violence in dam conflicts Dr. Leah Temper - McGill University, Canada
Clean energy hazardscapes in the Himalayas - Insights from Himachal Pradesh Manshi Asher, Himdhara Collective, India
Film: Hydropower and social resistance – Activist stories from the Balkans
Roundtable Discussion: Hydropower, social Impacts and resistance – successes, challenges & ways forward