Urgent Action Needed to Protect the Sutjeska and Jabušnica Rivers

After nearly a decade of legal battles that successfully halted the construction of power plants on the Sutjeska and Hrčavka rivers within Sutjeska National Park, Bosnia & Herzegovina, new threats are emerging. Investors are now targeting the Jabušnica and Izgorka rivers, with construction already underway on the Jabušnica River, which is a crucial tributary of the Sutjeska and serves as a boundary river with the National Park.
Recent developments reveal that work has begun on the small hydroelectric plant Sutjeska S-3 on the upper reach of the Sutjeska River (also known as the Izgorka River). Alarmingly, this project lacks an Environmental Impact Assessment, and the permits being used are outdated and questionable. There has been no public consultation, nor has adequate approval from the Gacko municipality been secured.
On September 7th, protests were held by activists and local residents, who expressed their strong desire to preserve the Sutjeska and Jabušnica rivers, which are vital to the region’s natural wealth and environmental health. The areas surrounding these rivers, including Zelengora, Volujka, and Lebršnik, are designated for protection under various spatial plans, highlighting their significance as critical natural habitats.
The ongoing construction poses severe risks, as it can lead to irreversible damage to the river ecosystem. Even during construction, the destruction of riverbeds is evident, with downstream areas suffering significant degradation to water quality and biodiversity. The impacts are already visible, with formerly pristine waters becoming murky and fish populations declining.
We urgently call on authorities to stop these destructive activities and for the Republic Administration for Inspection Affairs to take swift action. The Center for the Environment will utilize all legal avenues to contest the permits granted for these projects and will keep the public informed about developments.
Local Blue Heart partner Center for Environment invite all citizens to join the fight to protect the Sutjeska and Jabušnica rivers and ensure the preservation of our most valuable natural resources.