Petition: Save the Cetina River, Croatia


Cetina River near Sinj © Courtesy of the Ne daj se, Cetino! - Spasimo Peruću i Cetinu od termoelektrane! Facebook groupThe Cetina river in Croatia is under threat from a gas-fired thermal power plant, which is to be constructed on the Peruća Lake. It would discharge warm water, devastating the biosystems of the Peruća Lake and the Cetina River. Moreover, the thermal power plant would discharge 280,000 litres of waste water containing either acidic or alkaline hazardous chemicals into the Cetina River and the Peruća Lake daily, depriving 500,000 residents of their drinking water. Over 2 million kilos of exhaust gases per hour would be emitted into the air. On top of that, the project does not even make economic sense! Read more about it and SIGN THE PETITION

The source of the Cetina river © Courtesy of the Ne daj se, Cetino! - Spasimo Peruću i Cetinu od termoelektrane! Facebook group   Peruća Lake, on which the thermal power plant is projected © Courtesy of the Ne daj se, Cetino! - Spasimo Peruću i Cetinu od termoelektrane! Facebook group


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