
With this visual action, the activists aim to draw attention to four dams illegally built within the national park © EcoZ


++ Letter action launched in Kosovo´s Sharr National Park to remove illegal dams from the park ++

Prishtina, Strpce, Vienna, 02.07.2024 - On Sunday, activists from the NGO EcoZ and citizens from the region organised an unusual action on the mountain slope of Kosovo´s Sharr National Park. They set up massive letters proclaiming "Sharr National Park - No Dams". With this action they aim to turn the spotlight on the crime happening inside the park and raise awareness not only in Kosovo but across Europe and the world. In the past five years, four dams have been illegally built within the park - despite intense opposition from communities with over 80 protests and promises of Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Environment Minister Liburn Aliu, and other politicians to stop the projects. EcoZ and Riverwatch, together with local organizations and citizens of the region demand the removal of the dams within the Sharr National Park. National parks are for nature, not for dams.

"With this action, we want to give the Sharr National Park a voice and make the environmental crime visible to Europe and the world. We want the dams to be removed, and we ask our Prime Minister and all institutions in charge to make the national park dam-free again. These dams must go; they were illegally built, peoples' rights were ignored, and promises of our politicians were empty words. Together with the locals, we will fight for it and we won't stop" says Egzona Shala Kadiu, Director of EcoZ.

EcoZ and Riverwatch, together with local organizations and citizens of the region demand the removal of the dams © EcoZ

"What unfolded in Sharr National Park, Kosovo, isn't just a local scandal; it holds significant international implications. National parks are for nature and people to enjoy, not for the construction of dams. It begs the question: what's the purpose of having a national park if it's marred by dam projects? Therefore, this case stands for the value of national parks per se in Europe. The imperative remains clear: the dams must be removed. Failing that, the only recourse would be to revoke the area's national park status." says Ulrich Eichelmann, CEO of Riverwatch.

About Sharr National Park

Sharr National Park in Kosovo is 1,100 km2 in seize, known for its diverse ecosystems and stunning natural beauty. It is home to a variety of endangered wildlife, including brown bear, wolf and lynx. Furthermore, the Sharr mountain continues into North Macedonia, where it is also protected as a national park, protecting an additional 500 km2. Recently, the government of North Macedonia cancelled the plans to build seven dams in the national park.

About the DAMS

Four dams have been built inside the national park: HPP Sharri + HPP Viça + HPP Shtrpca + HPP Brezovica. These plants divert the water of the rivers and streams into pipelines, leaving the riverbed almost dry. As a result, biodiversity collapses and groundwater levels plummet.
Local people have organized more than 80 protests in the region. Their voices were ignored by the governments. Throughout the permitting phases for the dams, both the legal rights of local inhabitants and national legislation were infringed upon in various ways. Since the early stages of development, locals have been entirely excluded from decision-making processes. Moreover, their right to cherish the Sharr National Park in its natural state has been obstructed by the unlawful construction of HPPs, which have been operational for years without environmental permits.

The four illegally built plants divert the water of the rivers and streams into pipelines, leaving the riverbed almost dry © EcoZ

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