Become river ambassador in the Blue Heart interactive map


We want to visualize a network of initiatives and people who fight for rivers in the Balkans. For this purpose we have created a “River Ambassadors” layer in the interactive map on this website. We would like to add you as well! If you want to be included, please send the following information to

  • Name of your initiative, or if you are a sole fighter, permission to use your name
  • Logo of the initiative, or photo from the river, HPP project
  • Name of the river you are defending
  • Focus area if applicable, that is: particular HPP project you are fighting against
  • Contact information: 1. Address of the initiative, 2. contact person (name and email address), 3. link to website
  • I will put the marker in the map in the middle of your river in your country, unless you send me geo-coordinates of where you want it exactly (eg. position of the HPP you are fighting against)
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